Monday, June 23, 2008

Rachel's Before and After

I'm finally ready to post my before/after pictures. My wonderful mother and aunt Linda took pictures of me (and I took pictures of them) at the Idaho Botanical Garden last week and they turned out wonderful. It was so much fun!

If you missed reading about my history with weight gain/loss you can read it here: Rachel's Story. Now, without too much more delay, here are my current before and after mug shots.

09-1997 (age 22 at 162 lbs)
With my mother.

03-1999 (24 at 135 lbs)
Sorry, mom, it's not a great pic of you 'cause you were crying!


08-2005 (30 at 183+ lbs)
Can you see my underlining unhappiness? Like the chocolate milk? This really is a bad picture of me too, but then, I don't think I took very many "good" pictures after I was married.

05-2007 (32 between 165-175 lbs)
This is when I hadn't even known I'd started to lose weight.

06-2008 (33 at 144 lbs)
Don't I look great!?

Now, I still want/need to lose some more weight, but I am SO happy with my progress and how great I look. It's wonderful to feel good about oneself instead of suicidal.


Kristen said...

You do look amazing, Rachel! Great job. And your new pictures are beautiful.

blah said...

This is really amazing. Thanks for sharing your transformation with us. You look amazing and you've really come so far.

Marie said...

Rachel, you are one sexy momma!!! I don't know if it's the hair style/color, the make-up or the clothes maybe, but you look like an entirely different person! You look amazing, and beautiful, and you give me hope that it might be possible for me to do this too. Thanks!!!

Rachel said...

Thanks guys, you're so sweet! I do look and feel like a different person. The makeup, clothes, and hair really do help too.

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