Thursday, June 12, 2008


While I (and my mother*) think that I am unbearably witty and clever, I realize that not everyone shares my, er, unique sense of humor. Thus, if you come across something that offends you, feel free to let me know. Chances are it's just me making myself laugh...

*This statement does not reflect my mother's actual opinion, but I like to think it does...


Marie said...

I think you're funny, and I'm pretty sure I know exactly when you're being funny. I think we have a very similar sense of humor.

Kristen said...

Thanks, Marie:) That brings the total to (almost) 3 people who think I'm funny! Sweet! I just don't want any of the people who don't have the benefit of actually knowing me to be offended or hurt by anything I say in jest, you know?

Rachel said...

I think you're funny too! :-)

I've found that the saying, "You can't please everybody" is true, so just enjoy life and as long as you're not purposely trying to hurt/offend someone (which OF COURSE you're not) then don't worry about what other's might think. This is easier said then done, but I find that if I remember that my job isn't to make EVERYONE ELSE happy I'm a lot less stressed.


Jen plus 6 said...

Kristen, I think your are hilarious, I love it... why? Well, the only times I've ever seen you in person, you have been so completely quiet (who wouldn't be in the masses of family people crammed into Grandma McClellan's house...) that it is fun to see a different side of you!

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